Dr. Lyudmila Klasanova

Dr. Lyudmila Klasanova

Dr. Lyudmila Klasanova
Dr. Lyudmila Klasanova


Dr. Lyudmila Klasanova was born in Bulgaria during the communist period when spirituality was a taboo. After the fall of communism in 1989, many people were inspired to learn and practice different spiritual traditions, and yoga became quite popular in the countries of southeastern Europe. Lyudmila began her yoga training in Bulgaria in 1996 following the tradition of Satyananda Yoga. In 2006, she completed a yoga instructor training at the French Federation ‘Tantra –Kundalini Yoga’ and mastered Tibetan Yoga later. She has participated in several retreats in India, USA, Germany, and Spain, and has been teaching Hatha and Kundalini Yoga since 2006. She has given yoga classes and lectures in Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, UK, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. Lyudmila holds a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the Book and Printed Graphics Department of the National Academy of Arts, Bulgaria, a master’s degree in East Asian Studies, and a Ph.D. in Indian and Tibetan Culture from the Sofia University, Bulgaria. She teaches eastern religions and cultures at the Sofia University, and as Buddhistdoor Global’s East Europe Correspondent she writes articles on Buddhism. She is the author of the book Female Figures in Buddhism of India and Tibet, published in Bulgaria. Do You Want to Try? is her second book, inspired by her Bulgarian-Tibetan son Kalsang Yeshe and dedicated to her passion for yoga and painting.